01. About
St Clair is a brand strategyconsultancy that helps youfind your focus. So you walkaway with a clear andoriginal strategy that works.
St Clair is a brand strategy consultancy thathelps you find your focus. So you walk awaywith a clear and original strategy that works.
With St Clair you benefitfrom 30 years of hands-onexperience in healthcareand related industries.
If three decades in thebusiness teaches youanything it’s that marketsare constantly changing.St Clair’s mission is to helpbrand leaders evolve andstay effective – whereveryou are and whateveryour team’s structure.
With St Clair you benefit from 30 years ofhands-on experience in healthcare andrelated industries.
If three decades in the business teaches youanything it’s that markets are constantlychanging. St Clair’s mission is to help brandleaders evolve and stay effective – whereveryou are and whatever your team’s structure.

Janice MacLennan
02. Ethos
St Clair clears away thecomplex. It’s the only way toshow you a fresh way forward. Here are the 5steps to an original strategy.
St Clair clears away the complex.It’s the only way to show you a freshway forward. Here are the 5 steps toan original strategy.
St Clair clears away the complex. It’s the only way toshow you a fresh way forward. Here are the 5 stepsto an original strategy.
03: Services
What St Clair can do for you, your team and your brand strategy in just a few days
(or less).
Clarity of thought
You’ll find your focus: a clear direction to build global brands that are locally relevant.
Collective thinking
You’ll get the most out of your team and give everyone a voice.
Fresh ideas
You’ll learn new ideas from some of the latest strategic thinking across the globe.
A tailored approach
You’ll get a workshop adapted to your specific brief and needs.
Short term
Free up your team to think more creatively. Speak the same language and follow the same processes. And develop marketing as one of your team’s core skills.
Long term
The best brand leaders have a clear brand strategy. With the market constantly changing, St Clair can help you focus your team and learn new skills to ensure your thinking stays relevant.
04: Testimonials
A few kind words from clients.

Clear, cohesive and collaborative
Janice has been a trusted partner throughout my career. She's helped me, our organization and many of our key pharma brands grow through their clear, cohesive and collaborative approach to global brand strategy.
Eric Longino
Global Commercial Strategy Director, Johnson & Johnson

Transforming impact
Janice had the most transforming impact on how my team and I think and challenge data insights. We’re still using what we learnt, even today.
Christopher Bancel
Founder & CEO, TISSIUM
Collective penny-drop moment
What I love about Janice is how she challenges preconceived thinking, which has led to at least one ‘collective penny-drop’ moment in each of our workshops. She's very skilled at leading the team to a place where they can work out the problem for themselves.
Clare McGowne
EU Commercial Development Lead, Spark Therapeutics Inc.
Providing clarity to difficult situations
Over the last 20 years, Janice has helped me launch new brands to market and breathe new life into others. As the industry evolves, Janice consistently adapts, providing clarity to difficult situations and collaborating with my teams to drive measurable results.
Nick Ferrara
Executive Director of Marketing, Endo Pharmaceuticals
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